Friday, September 25, 2015

Yom Kippur Thoughts

Yom Kippur Thoughts

  • Imagine how you'd feel if Lebron ("King") James cared enough about you to critique your basketball game...  On Yom Kippur the King of the universe cares enough about you to critique your life...!
  • Yom Kippur is... our annual "date night" with G-d! 
  • When we judge others, the person we victimize most is ourselves.
  • We're lucky if we have 1 1/2 real friends.
  • BLING - dealing with difficult people. Sometimes they have a BLIND spot. We get most annoyed at the people we LOVE. No one goofs unless they have temporary INSANITY. Sometimes, it's really just NOTHING and we get angry needlessly. If we waited 24 hours, we'd forget. And sometimes, we just have to GET the message.
  • The story of Jonah has no ending. We get to write the ending to the story... and to our own.
  • "We need everyone's voice: those who can read Hebrew but can't sing... those who can sing but don't know the words... and everyone in between."

"Never Have I Ever........ Stayed focused on Yom Kippur. Smiled. Watched so many teens be part of the service. Learned from example. Laughed. Come home from Shul and say to my family, I treasured my Yom Kippur experience!! (Who says that?!). Never have I ever..... Had such a soulful experience as I had today, in Cleveland. Oh wait, I did! It was a JFX shabbaton. Thank you Ruchi Sobel-Indich Koval and Sruly Koval for making a choice and a change in Cleveland. Thank you for waking me up. Best Shul decision ever! JFX"
(Julie R., Beachwood) 

Shabbat shalom! 
Rabbi and Ruchi Koval