Friday, September 18, 2015

Rosh Hashanah Reflections 2015/5776

Rosh Hashanah Reflections 2015/5776
Below is a collection of thoughts that we shared at Rosh Hashanah services, for your perusal and to spark family conversation. Thanks so much to all who joined! Shana tova!
  • We can learn about passion from Tom Hamilton, and apply it to the important areas of our lives.
  • From Yan Gomes we can learn to trust our instincts, and from Sandy Koufax, to trust our Jewish instincts.
  • Let's remember that we have the responsibility to view our future, and the future of humanity, as if it is teetering on the balance, and one small, sincere Mitzvah pledge can tip the scales in the favor of merit.
  • "As long as the candle burns, there is still time to rectify" - it's never too late
  • "Life is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" (Thomas Edison)
  • People who live inspired lives have worked hard to get there
  • Elazar ben Durdiya, who acted terrible his whole life, turned it around in a moment - it's never too little
  • Human change comes only from within (doggie change comes only from without!)

Shabbat shalom! 

Rabbi Sruly and Ruchi Koval