Thursday, September 13, 2012

How Did That Turn Out?

by Ruchi

A year ago, I prayed to improve.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I prayed for my children to succeed.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I prayed to be given another year of life.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I prayed that my endeavors be blessed with success.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I prayed that I be granted the gratitude to remember my blessings.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I prayed for health.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I wished happy new year to my loved ones.
How did that turn out?

A year ago, I looked at the past and tried to peek at the future.
How did that turn out?

This season, I once again look back at the past and try to peek at the future.
How will that turn out?