Thursday, August 30, 2012

Winds of Change

by Ruchi

New winds are blowing.  Time to put away vacation mode and enter the season of responsibility.  The days are shorter, the pace more brisk.  It's time to get serious.

Bathing suits away, 3-ring binders out.  Sunscreen back on the shelf, textbooks down from the shelf.  Flip-flops in the closet, sweatshirts out of the closet.

Back to school musings?
It's all about Elul.

The fact that Elul, the Hebrew month that heralds the High Holidays, dovetails annually with back-to-school season (at least in the Northern Hemisphere - a nod to you, South African readers) is one of the delightful quirks of the calendar.  The spirit is just so right. 

Every single emotion has its place on the Jewish calendar.  Sad?  Think Tisha B'av.  Ecstatic surprise?  Purim.  Freedom from the grips of a crisis?  Pesach.  Finding the light amidst the darkness?  Chanukah's it.  And starting fresh after lazy season?  There's Elul.

The cooler nights, the more scheduled pace, even the leaves starting to reveal reds and oranges, are all my reminders that change is afoot.  Renewal.  An opportunity to look back, reflect, buckle up, and start again.

I can hardly wait.

What are you most looking forward to this season?