Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let's Give Thanks

"Do Orthodox Jews celebrate Thanksgiving?" I get that question every year around this time. It seems that the perception "out there," true or false, is that they do not. Surely there is nothing wrong with dedicating a day to give thanks; thanks to G-d, to our parents, friends and community! After all, being grateful and thankful is a central theme in the Torah's definition of the essence of a Jew! But, using Talmudic logic, one may argue that dedicating just one day to "give thanks" seems petty. It fact, perhaps it trivializes the mission of being an eternally grateful, happy nation 24/7/365... Well, dinner trimmings or not, there is surely no harm in having "the bird," in whatever form (organic, tofu or poultry) serve as our mascot and reminder to develop the "gratitude attitude"! "So, what are you grateful for?" For me personally, the old song "You don't know what you've got until it's gone" rings in my ears often. When I was mentoring at the prison in Grafton last week, the song really struck a cord: Freedom! Not just to practice our faith as Jews in this country, but also for the ability and responsibility to live up to the Jewish mission of being role models for society in the way in which we live and in how we practice our faith... Well, enough about me... What are you thankful for?