Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hashem Loves Me

Hashem Loves Me

Last week our daughter Miriam had a flight to NY to visit with friends. Her flight left at 6:10pm, and I offered to take her to the airport.

At 4:53 it dawned on me that I hadn't seen her and we needed to leave to the airport ASAP! As it was I didn't even think we would make the flight! Still, I decided to make whatever effort I could. I ran up to her room and saw that she had fallen asleep.

"Miriam! Your flight! We need to leave to the airport!"

"What? What? What time is it?? Omg, let's go! Let's go!" She threw a bunch of stuff in her backpack and we ran! 

"Mir," I hazarded, "d'ya think it still pays to go to the airport for a 6:10 flight?"

"Of course Mom! My philosophy is, we have to try our best!" Hm, I like that philosophy, I thought. We ran into the car and I started driving. By the corner of Green and Fairmount she was getting panicky. "Mom, can I drive??? I can drive faster than you" (this is true).

"Sure," I said. So at the red light, she and I dashed out the car, traded places, and revved off. 

"Mir, did you check in online?"

"No. not yet!"

"Kay, I'll do it for you - one less thing for you to worry about when you get to the airport" (knowing that if it's less than half hour to your flight they won't let you check in). I whipped out my phone and start checking in, till I get to this screen:


"Miriam!!! You will never believe what is on my screen right now."


I read her the email.

She looked at me full in the face (as I'm thinking look at the road look at the road) with a huge, beatific smile and said, "HASHEM LOVES ME!"

"He certainly does," I laughed.

So we slowed down, calmed down, turned on some music and enjoyed the rest of the drive to leisurely make her flight (which ended up leaving at 9:40pm).

Purim is the holiday of miracles that seem normal. The whole Purim story that we read aloud in 45 minutes took over a decade to unravel. Those who took the time to connect the dots found miracle after miracle. Those who did not saw political change and life as usual.

It takes a great person to look at a flight change and realize G-d loves her. But He certainly does. And He loves you, too. Take the time to connect the dots and you, too, will see your very own Purim miracles.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim, 