Friday, September 30, 2016

A Passion for Fashion

Guest Rambler: Jamie Synenberg
A Passion for Fashion

Whether I knew it or not, my mission of soul-searching and trying to become the best I can be started far before I even realized or recognized it. This past year has been soul-searching and life-changing in so many ways. 

In February, I saw a post on Lori Palatnik's Facebook page for a JWRP fashion industry trip to Israel. Without even thinking twice or even talking it over with my husband, I immediately applied!  Something inside me was screaming "you must go on that trip!"  I was motivated like never before to make sure that I would be chosen for one of the coveted spots on the trip.

After many interviews, a video interview and questionnaires, I was chosen as one of thirty-six out of over two hundred applicants to attend the first JWRP industry trip to Israel. I had no clue what I was in for!  I spent eight amazing days with some incredible ladies that I am now proud to call my "sisters."  In those eight life-changing days we cried, we opened up, it got raw and nothing was held back.  

We learned of everyone's successes, challenges and heartaches. We showed up as ourselves and were present with each other one hundred percent. While we did meet many Israeli fashion designers and fashion influencers, the trip was far more than that. In the fashion industry, as in many other industries, no one ever shares information for fear of losing their competitive edge.  

That's not how it was with these ladies, as everyone is offering help and advice to one another. This trip gave me the confidence I needed to say, "I can do this! I can start my own jewelry line and I'm not alone. I have all my JWRP ‘sisters’ for mentoring, advice and support.”  

We all want each other to succeed. This for me was the first time I had ever seen this type of support in the fashion industry.  I think we all realized that we aren't competing against one another; we are helping one another to succeed and become the best we can be.

Community and collaboration over competition wins!  There is enough success in our industry to go around. I found my inner voice on this trip, I came back with the confidence to say if I want something bad enough and I'm willing to go after it, I will be successful. A light had turned on inside me and I wasn't going to let it go out! I had a vision to start my own jewelry line because I believe in myself and I believe in my designs and I know I will be successful. 

The trip brought me back to my roots, being in the old city of Jerusalem and seeing and touching our history.  Being at the wall and praying, I literally felt like my ancestors had put me on this trip for a mission. My paternal grandfather, Saul Gottlieb, was the only survivor from his family to survive the Holocaust. I thought about him and his siblings and parents, and the struggles they went through for being Jewish.  

The Jewish people always get knocked down but we always get back up stronger. I felt like they were there with me and I heard the voice in my head again say, "You are here for a reason: you are here to fight the fight we could not finish."

My maternal great-grandfather, Irving Stone, was a "lev tov" - a good heart - and a role model not only for me but for many people around the world. He was known as a gentle giant.. He taught me about tzedakah and helping those that can't help themselves, and that no mitzvah is too small.

I felt at that moment that he was there at the wall with me too. I could see him smiling at me and being proud that I was there carrying on his mission and passion in life. I'm realizing that everyone has a gentle giant within themselves, a real greatness of growth within oneself to change the world and leave an imprint. 

We are in the Jewish month of Elul, a month where we are supposed to look at our relationship with ourselves and Hashem. It's time to take care of our spiritual soul and think, “Did I accomplish all that I wanted to accomplish this year, or could I have done better, or could I have done more? Did I push myself to be the best me, or could I have done more?” The answer, I believe, is to be the ultimate you!  If you are not for yourself then who is for you?

Following this inspiring trip to Israel and realizing the greatness of my ancestors and how lucky I am to carry their legacy has been a proud and inspiring time for me. As I let my light shine and I continue to learn and go deeper into my "ani," - my true inner core - I hope that I can inspire everyone to do the same!

Shabbat Shalom,
