Monday, July 11, 2016

Thoughts from the Men's Israel Mission

Thoughts from the Men's Israel Mission 

Ethan Weiss:
In Sefat we learned about the ten Sefirot (character traits of G-d). The “lower” seven of the Sefirot are more physical and within our comprehension, and the “upper” three are really more spiritual and beyond our understanding. 

I believe one reason the 8 of us were meant to be in Israel together was to – as 8 – get one step beyond what we typically grasp on our own. This experience elevated us and took us “behind the curtain” to a level of energy, connection, and comprehension of what we can truly Do and Be on our way to Awesome. I am blessed for the opportunity to get closer to that and for every experience we shared as 8, and I am grateful beyond words for each of us who made up our infinite group. 

Rick Schultz:
I participated in the JWRP Men's Mission to Israel in 2009. Although I was honored to participate again, I must admit that I was a little concerned that the 2016 program would be a bit of a repeat. Once we arrived though, it didn't take but a nanosecond for those expectations to be shattered.

Putting into words how I am feeling right now is a very difficult task. I am resisting getting "back to reality," back to before this experience. Truth be told, I just don't want to. I am in a different place right now, a better place, an AWESOME place, physically, intellectually, and most importantly, spiritually. My schema or world view has changed. My soul has elevated. I'm in the physical but beyond the physical. In fact, I feel as if I have been through a washing machine. I've been up and down like a roller coaster and my head is spinning ... in a good way.

I suppose this trip has stripped away the dirt and "stuff" that has hidden my soul and now it is exposed and on fire. I really see, "see" my wife, my children, and friends and feel more connected than ever. I'm beautifully connected to HaShem (Hi Dad) and to the land of Israel. I so much miss my trip brothers, both from 2009 and 2016. 

A giant thank you to Rabbi Koval and JFX, JWRP, and everyone involved in organizing and planning this trip. It was the most well-run program I have ever participated in. In fact it was so good that I'd like to do it again. And, I just might know a few guys that would want to do it again too! They know who they are. 

Robert Rosenthal:
The Rabbi asked us to share some thoughts about our 7-day Mission to Israel. While we were challenged spiritually, physically, and emotionally, putting the experience into a few simple sentences is nearly impossible.

I had the tremendous honor of spending 7 days in Israel with 7 truly amazing men. They are fathers, they are husbands, but most of all they are true mensches. While we toured and prayed in the most amazing place on earth - our Jewish homeland - we developed a bond so strong - words cannot describe it. We were led by some amazing people who challenged us to examine our spiritual existence and gave us the proper tools to get to a place that I did not know existed.

My life will be never be the same. I'll still have the same challenges that I had one week ago but I think I'll be able to get to a place where I can change the reality of those challenges and accept those as Hashem's way of guiding me through life. To those 7 brothers who I shared this week with I'll never forget this experience and our brotherhood. To my wife who encouraged me to go- I'll be eternally grateful. To my kids - I missed you so much.

But most of all, I learned how to BE not just DO.

Dan Fremont:
To The Cleveland Team on this Momentum Trip:
It was great to get to know each of you more personally as we couldn't have had a better group to enjoy this journey with. It was such a pleasure to connect with our "home" and to absorb the spirit that transcends from the many holy places we visited which have stood for thousands of years for our ancestors.

Now we come home and the challenge is to be a Kiddush Hashem (ambassador for Judaism) where we can exhibit a bit of the Divine that's within. We can choose to shine and strive to be AWESOME. Are we all prepared to step out of our safety zone and push to a new level to shape our lives? 

I now better understand that we create our spiritual world with speech and that the glue of any relationship is about the way we speak to each other, and the value this helps build in that person that we care about. As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I also have more clarity on the "crossover" and the significance of the ability to jump forward form the negative to the positive. Yad Vashem was one of many highlights in this trip. My existence and the generation after me is an answer to Hitler's goal to end the Jewish race and to feel confident our people have a Homeland where we ever have to fear something like that shall repeat. 

As Charlie suggested to us, I know I found my stone in the wall which certainly seemed to be a clear message that Hashem wanted me to be certain of his presence. My blessing to all is that we should all merit to be more elevated and connected with Hashem and each other.
Am Yisrael Chai!

Michael Goldberg:
1. Our mission was a home run because of the guys and the rabbi were all so in sync and there for the exact right reasons. Can you imagine what it would have been like if we didn't have such a perfect mix?

2.  JWRP, Aish and of course JFX deserve a huge amount of credit for putting together a amazing, almost perfect program that mixed deep spirituality, learning, history and fun in a balanced, packed but highly manageable schedule. I think it's easy to take for granted how flawlessly the schedule worked. The logistics and safety made the program that much more enjoyable and allowed us to concentrate of the program.

3. I know, even though I was on a similar mission before, I left hungry for more and looking forward to not only continuing the momentum here but doing it with my 6 brothers and our families. We will be talking about this 7 days until we go again.
The real test is whether we can keep this going not only here

but also here

David Burg:
Guys - like each of you I'm back in reality… buried up to my neck, waiting for our 5:30 call to get a dose. But I can just tell you that the trip was for me, in the end, a lot about you guys. I learned something unique about each of you… and how I can incorporate a piece of each as I try to continue elevating myself. As I told Avril, our team was a Gathering of Eagles… anyway, it was a bit intimidating. I literally would have put us up against any of the cities - whether for a fist fight, spelling bee, minyan, or science fair.  We were starting to go through brick walls together by end of trip.
  • Fremont. Empathy, independence, dependability, patience, maturity.  Danny an essential part of the rat pack, a deep thinker, and absolutely hanging with Hashem by Day 5 when he saw "LIDO" in the Kotel. If you look for it; you will indeed find it. He did and he came home elevated.
  • Goldberg. Hits the nail on the head. Spoke for an entire nation when he addressed the soldiers at Claman's dinner. Articulate, wise, with authority. Great perspective on life and where Judaism fits into it; a guy to look up to; former students, and clients, lucky to have him.
  • Greff. Spiritual growth literally in front of your eyes; brave expression, articulation and pursuit of emes is infectious. Totally inspirational: If he can take the steps and read the signs and put himself out there, so can I. Took a couple huge strides upward on this trip.
  • Koval. Absolute leader, mentch and friend; relentless pursuit of elevation and growth. Incredible teacher; incredible giver who is the post-Moshe Moshe. Patient and non-judgmental. The best example to model behavior on what it means for each of us to be a Jew and be elevated at every single turn. We hit the Powerball when we got Sruly Koval as our rabbi.
  • Rosenthal. Great sense of humor always; sees the bigger picture and puzzle pieces. Intuitively, viscerally gets the value of what we just experienced and the impact to his family. Needs Sussman's emotion vs. Spiro's detachment because Robert's antennae finds truth in every direction. His laugh belies a gravitas; he just may follow Ethan due east (see below).
  • Schultz. Heightened sensitivity to those around him; takes it all in. Jamming on learning for 20+ years because he wanted it badly, not because he was supposed to do it. This guy is special and inspiring. Non-conformist in his Jewish learning; direct pipeline to Man Upstairs.
  • Weiss. Model baal teshuva Jew on a journey. Also a model roommate and great guy. Unparalleled mix of raw emotion, desire, drive, expression. Taps into emotion that is buried deep in other guys, for the good of everyone around him. The one guy you need to have on this trip, in the minyan, at the table. Hang with him now before he makes aliyah in 2030.

Shabbat Shalom,
The JFX Men on a Mission