Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dayenu and Shabbaton Ramble!

Ethan's Passover Ramble

In the spirit of Passover - and with gratitude to our Rabbi and Rebbetzin for all the good they bestow upon us - "Daienu!"

Had the Kovals met and married but not moved back to Cleveland, Daienu!

Had they moved back to Cleveland but not been introduced to us, Daienu!

Had they been introduced to us but not started JFX for our children, Daienu!

Had they started JFX for our children but not provided for the parents, Daienu!

Had they provided for the parents but not brought us Partners in Torah, Daienu!

Had they brought us Partners in Torah but not recruit our incredible Rabbis and Morahs, Daienu!

Had they recruited our incredible Rabbis and Morahs but not led Mussar and Torah classes, Daienu!

Had they led Mussar and Torah classes but not opened our hearts to Shabbas, Daienu!

Had they opened our hearts to Shabbas but not led us to Shabbaton, Daienu!

Had they led us to Shabbaton but not take us to Israel, Daienu!

Had they taken us to Israel but not bring us to B'nei Mitzvah, Daienu!

Had they brought us to B'nei Mitzvah but not delivered us a Teen Club, Daienu!

Had they delivered us a Teen Club but not show us Kashrut in the kitchen, Daienu!

Had they showed us Kashrut in the kitchen but not illuminate the rest of our home, Daienu!

Had they illuminated the rest of our home but not light up the rest of our lives, Daienu!

For all you do to bring Torah and Judaism into our lives each and every day, we are immeasurably grateful and express our utmost appreciation!!

Morah Zelda's Shabbaton Ramble:

Last Shabbat was one of the most meaningful Shabbats of my life. Being a teacher is one of the most fulfilling jobs I have, and though Sundays can be hard for me to get up and out I am excited to see my class each week! For those of you who have girls in my class you must know that we truly have a great group! These girls come to Sunday school with a smile on their faces, ready to learn whatever I’m ready to teach! Last week I opened my 2-bedroom apartment to 7 wonderful girls for the entire Shabbat.

In Judaism there is a teaching: “Kol hamilamed et ben chaveiro Torah keilo yalado” - anyone who teaches his friend's child Torah, it is like he has given birth to him.
I’m not sure if it was at lunch when Rachel had a stomachache, or later in the afternoon when Laney needed socks or after our tour of Telshe in the freezing cold, when we all huddled together for warmth but somewhere along there I kinda felt like these were my children.

Chelsea, Joelle, Laney, Lilah, Rachel, Olivia, and Zoe, I love you girls! Thanks for coming to my home and enhancing our Shabbat!  What an incredible Shabbat it was and I’m already looking forward to the next Shabbaton at my house!!