Monday, January 6, 2020



Home is where 
The flight attendants wish you “Chanukah sameach” 
And the airport food is kosher 
And the menorahs of the Land could light up a thousand rooms 
Home is where 
The soldiers are our teens
Defending our land in their best years 
So we can pray at our holy sites 
Get a cup of coffee with a friend
Ride a bus through the length and breadth of our country. 
Home is where 
A jeeping adventure is also a history lesson 
Matching the unparalleled beauty of dunes and rainbows with the homes of Benjamin and Judah. 
Home is where 
The outdoor market is jostling with challah, wine, Chanukah paraphernalia, Hebrew trinkets 
As Jews, Muslims, international tourists enjoy pizza and pita and photographing each other
As each wishes the other Shabbat shalom. 
Home is where we create a circle at the kotel that grows and grows and grows 
As we sing Kabbalat Shabbat with unnamed strangers. 
Home is where 
Shabbat is the day of rest 
The hotel serves cholent and has a built-in synagogue 
Havdala is musical and inspiring and the guitarist shares family history back to the Yom Kippur war 
And even the animals have Hebrew names 
Home is where 
Ein Gedi has history from King David’s life 
Masada and her story go back 2000 years yet share our synagogues and mikvehs 
and the story of the Dead Sea bespeaks Biblical accounts from 4000 years ago 
Home is where 
Two boys from Cleveland come back to 
As they commemorate becoming responsible Jewish teens 
With shofars and chuppah and tefillin and joy
In front of the kotel where everyone, friends and strangers alike, wish us mazel tov 
Home is where we pack food for one another 
And where archaeological digs tell the story of our people - our ancestors 
Home is where 
We care for the disabled and tell their stories in museums 
Home is where we bike and walk at sunset along the Mediterranean Sea, the very same sea from the Torah, that was promised to Abraham 
As we see all of his children coming home 
Home is where the heart is 
Home is where you can always come back no matter what 
Home is where you can be your most authentic self 
Home is where you might fight, clash, feud, but ultimately 
Home is where you belong. 
Shabbat Shalom,