Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Secret of Shavuot

The Secret of Shavuot

Talk about a lost opportunity: the most important Jewish holiday, the day we became a nation, is also the least known and observed holiday. It also has no props. Nothing to eat, shake or blow. It is obscured in secrecy, with the date (the holiday of Shavuot) of the revelation on Mt. Sinai not even mentioned in the Torah - only in the Talmud. Even the location of Mt. Sinai is not known. Imagine what the Israeli Ministry of Tourism could do with that site! Contrast that with the Temple Mount, whose location remains front and center, with perpetual holiness throughout the ages. Mt. Sinai, on the other hand, lost its holiness as soon as the shofar sounded, signaling the end of the light and sound show of that great revelation.

Why all the mystery?

Come and join us at JFX tomorrow night at 11:00 PM (walk-ins welcome). Together we will answer these questions and explore the essence, relevance and meaning of the world’s greatest moment! Best wishes for a meaningful Shavuot to everyone!

Shabbat shalom and happy Shavuot,

Rabbi Koval