Monday, August 8, 2016

Drop Me a Note

Guest Rambler
Scott Wolfson

 A few years ago I asked Berkowitz-Kumin to put me on the mailing list for the yahrzeits of some of my deceased family members. Berkowitz-Kumin usually sends the reminder six weeks before the yahrzeit of a loved ones. When I received the reminder in the mail for my grandfather’s yahrzeit, I posted it on our bulletin board in our kitchen, like we always do with important mail. 

However, with eight people in our house, post-its typically get piled on top of one another. Knowing this, I made a photocopy of the reminder, and brought it to work with me. Despite my two reminders, I still forgot about the upcoming date of my grandfather’s yahrzeit.  

This past Friday, as I was pulling my checkbook out of my suit jacket pocket, a small folded yellow piece of paper dropped to the floor. I picked it up and saw it was a Shell gas station receipt from 1993 signed by my grandfather. I gave the receipt to my father.

It was then that my father remembered to ask me when his father’s yahrzeit is. As I searched for the copy of the reminder in my office, to my amazement, I discovered the date my grandfather’s yahrzeit was that exact same evening, erev Shabbat.  

Hashem (G-d) literally dropped me a note! 

Some hashgacha pratis (HP) stories are very obvious while others are more hidden. "Hashgacha pratis" is a Hebrew phrase that literally means "individual supervision," or divine intervention. G-d is involved in every aspect of our lives. Last Shabbat was one of the most eye-opening stories of HP I have ever had. 

May we continue to have our eyes open to see Hashem’s divine hand in all of our lives. 

Shabbat Shalom
Scott Wolfson