Friday, January 1, 2016

Family Mission to Israel

Family Mission to Israel

The Warren family
by Sindy Warren
A deep sense of connection. That's what really strikes me as I reflect on the JFX Family Mission to Israel. We felt a strong connection to the land, the people we met. Israelis repeatedly said "welcome home" to us, and it felt that way. This sense applied as well to the other families on the trip: the Kovals, the Weisses, the Rosners, the Rosenthals, the Leikins, the Greens. It's hard to put into words the closeness we feel, having experienced so much together. Bat mitzvahs, a bar mitzvah, the Kotel, climbing Masada, donkeys and camels, singing and dancing, eating, and more singing and dancing. The Warrens are so grateful for the experience.

Temporally it was a ten-day trip. Energetically, it was a lifetime.

The Weiss family
by Ethan and Audrey
Thank you everyone for a fantastic experience together on the first JFX family mission. It was a dream come true because of each of you and we are so grateful and inspired by you all, most especially our sensational children.  L'hitraot!

by Ari Weiss
I can't put two words together to describe how amazing the trip was for me not only in general but in a spiritual perspective as well. It was an unbelievable time traveling through home with all of my great friends, as well as having the opportunity to meet new friends and to come together as one and have the best trip ever.

by Isaac Weiss
The family mission to Israel made my connection with my family, friends, Hashem, and my soul so much more meaningful and deep. The trip was an experience beyond any other and will never be forgotten.

The Leikin Family
by Pam Leikin
In reflecting on our amazing trip I came home once again in love with our country. But what I really am feeling grateful for is spending time with such amazing families. From the oldest to youngest boys and girls I fell in love with them all. Some for their outgoingness and some for their quiet warmth. I'm looking forward to running into everyone and sharing memories for a lifetime.

The Rosner Family
by Eli Rosner
The trip was awesome! I am so thankful I had my bar mitzva at the Kotel with the whole group there with me. One of my favorite parts was when we were walking into the old city for my bar mitzvah under the chuppah with the saxophone, drum and shofar.

Another memorable part of the trip was the day we went camel riding then climbed Masada and then jumped in the Dead Sea all in 12 hours. One other activity I loved was when we went jeeping in the Golan Heights on the Syrian border and then went out to dinner in Tiberias and on a boat.

The funniest part of the trip was at the havdala bat mitzvah service on top of an apartment overlooking the old city when Rabbi Koval was speaking and the Muslim call to prayer started and kept going on for several minutes so we had to pause the service.

I also think the trip would have been so different if we did not have Patrick as our awesome guide or the singing of the oh oh oh oh ay ay ay ay song.

The most spiritual part for me was when we pulled out of the tunnel into Jerusalem and the sun was setting. We got off the bus and took the coolest picture ever of an overlook of Jerusalem.

This was the best trip of my life.

Shabbat shalom! 
the families of the Israel Mission