Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dogged Determination

Dogged Determination
by Ruchi

G-d has quite the sense of humor.

Whenever I used to teach mussar classes in people's homes, back before we had a center, I seemed to be the doggie magnet. I made it very clear, both verbally and via body language, to dog and human alike, that I was not a "dog person," yet the dog of each home seemed to enjoy hanging out on my lap and barking at me rapturously. If there were such a thing, I'd probably be voted "least likely to become a dog owner." In fact, had you asked me if I would ever get a dog, I would doubtlessly answer "Never!"

Well, in the words of someone famous, never say never. Because at the end of summer, I am to become the Primary Trainer of Cora the Dog who shall join our family. 

Cora is a 2-year-old Labradoodle who has been specially trained as a service dog and will be assisting our 8-year-old son who's on the Autism Spectrum. She will help him emotionally, practically, and socially. The bond between him and dogs is actually mind-boggling and his ability to express and receive love from dogs, where doing so with humans is very difficult, is astonishing. We are very grateful to have discovered this and to be able to help him in this way.

One of the many lessons I've learned in the art of child-rearing is that of humility. As the famous Yiddish truism goes, "Mann tracht un Gott lacht" - man plans and G-d laughs. I chuckle inwardly when I hear people say "next year we're going here... in five years we'll make aliyah..." as though we really know what will happen and where we'll be tomorrow, let alone next year or in five.

Of course we have to plan, but we also have to remember that G-d will laugh. Plan, with humility. This is why some people say "im yirtzeh Hashem" when they plan - which is Hebrew for "if G-d wills it." Some use the English: "G-d willing, I'll be there." In this way they acknowledge that we're really not in control of our destiny, and often it is the things we so vehemently proclaim we will never do (live in NY, become vegetarian, get a dog) that make G-d chuckle the loudest.

Doggie playdate, anyone?

Shabbat Shalom,