Most people hope to contribute something to society in their lifetime. Luckily enough, I
was given this opportunity while participating in one of the activities I love best: running!
When Ruchi asked that I take charge of the JWRP Walk to Israel campaign, I quickly got started
on advertising the campaign throughout the JFX community. On May 6th, the first day of the
walk, I could not contain my excitement. Not only would I have the chance to be part of
hundreds of people participating in this 10,000 step-a-day challenge, but I would walk alongside
my people in the holy streets of Israel.
As I embarked on my mission to take as many steps as possible, I visited and toured the
land of Israel. Nearing the end of my second week, I had the privilege to spend Shabbat with
my relatives who were hosting two South African single women who were studying in Israel at the time.
During Shabbat, one of the women, Benita, expressed that she wanted to spend the following
Shabbat in Rechavya visiting the South African and South American representatives from the
JWRP Women’s group. Benita had one problem though – she had nowhere to sleep. As Benita
was speaking, I remembered that I wanted to spend that Shabbat, which was to be my last
one in Israel, in Rechavya. As Divine Providence would have it, I already had a place to stay and
quickly invited Benita to stay with me. To take it one step further, our apartment was within a
five minute walk to where the JWRP women’s group was staying.
Little did I know how much I would gain from this Shabbat experience with Benita. She
and her friends invited me to join them for their Shabbat meals. During the course of the day,
I had the opportunity to hear a speech by Lori Palatnik, in addition to other inspiring speakers,
as well as learn more about the campaign and passions of my fellow female JWRP participants.
When I joined the JWRP Walk to Israel campaign, my focus was to take as many steps as
possible. By the end of my trip, I discovered that the true purpose of the JWRP Walk to Israel
campaign was to unite Jewish people through their passions, whether through running or a love
of Hashem and His people.
Each individual is put on this world to give to others and make a difference. The
Almighty has blessed each person with unique talents and abilities. There are infinite
opportunities to contribute to the world in small and large ways. From a happy smile to a
charity donation - there are countless ways to give of oneself. Take a look around – and open
yourself to giving to others.
As Charlie Harary once said:
“Life isn’t what you need, it’s what you’re needed for!”