Friday, October 5, 2012

Holy Joy

by Ruchi

Simchat Torah.  Literally, the joy of Torah.  A little-known holiday, overshadowed by the scary Yom Kippur and abutted by the mild-mannered Columbus Day.  This year, it will be celebrated on Monday evening, October 8th and Tuesday, October 9th.
A holy day.  Of holy joy. 
What are we celebrating on Simchat Torah?  The joy of the completion of Torah, from which we read one portion each Shabbat and finish each year after Sukkot.  Which we're about to start all over again from the beginning.
In Jewish literature, a lot more attention is paid to a yahrtzeit than to a birthday.  Ever stop to wonder why that is?  The general world sure pays a lot more attention to birthdays.  But Judaism teaches that a yahrtzeit, in a funny way, is a celebration.  A celebration of completion.  Completion of a life.  You can't really celebrate that until it's, well, complete.  Because whenever we go, that was the pre-ordained time for us to go, and that life is deemed complete - whether or not we on earth see it that way.
That's what we said on Yom Kippur.
But a birthday?  Well, we're still a work in progress.  Sure, celebrate.  I'm all for a little cake and attention.  But the yahrtzeit... now that's holy joy.
Finishing the Torah?  Now that's a lot of holy joy.
Here's the cool part.  When someone finishes studying a significant portion of the Torah, he celebrates, at an event called a "siyum."  A celebration of completion.  But lots of people can come and celebrate, too - in fact, it's a huge mitzvah to do so.  Even if they didn't study that portion of the Torah at all.  Even if they didn't study any of it. 
Even if they never studied Torah in their lives.
Because we celebrate each other's holy joy.  Because we're connected.  Our souls are connected.  We're all part of one organism.  It's called the Jewish People.  Yup, capital "P." 
Celebrating the completion of a book I don't necessarily know with people I don't necessarily know.  Because it's my Book and it's my People.
That's Simchat Torah.
So sing and dance, my holy friends.  Imbibe some holy joy.  It's your joy, and mine.  Chag Sameach - may you enjoy a happy, holy, holiday.